Call for Chapter Submissions: Education in Global, Transnational, and Local Spaces in a Rapidly Changing World


Call for Chapter Submissions: Education in Global, Transnational, and Local Spaces in a Rapidly Changing World (Due August 1, 2020)
This book will illuminate how learners, teachers, and others experience education in a rapidly changing world.  In the quest to gain more clarity on how people experience changing contexts of life and learning, how their meaning-making shifts, and how outside forces influence those processes, we seek chapters that examine these complexities in rich detail, with a focus on how education (broadly defined) is implicated. We seek chapters that can also elucidate theory/concepts to make them more real for readers, to show how they function in life.

Chapters will be organized according to theories/concepts within three broad spatial categories: global (which look at various ideas related to globalization), transnational (related to transnationalism or cross-border relations), and local (which includes theoretical dynamics that are most evident in national and local spaces). The editors expect the chapters may implicitly reveal processes of becoming (how people change over time, why, and how), and belonging (how they see themselves in a broader context of life and/or work, institutionally, organizationally, or in community, society or country).

Chapters do not need to explicitly engage these two concepts; rather, they should reveal change (how change occurs and/or how it is experienced), and examine contextual influences. For more detail, please see the full Call for Chapters here or contact the editors at 

Details can be found HERE.

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