Fun, Sweet, Connecting “Speed Friending” Event Held by the ISPN Last Friday

After one month of planning and preparation by the International Student Peer Network (ISPN) committee, the CGSE co-hosted, IISE cosponsored “Speed Friending” event was organized in William Pitt Union at 2:30 pm on Friday, Feb 18th, 2022. Graduate and doctoral students from 8 countries and regions attended the event and spent an enjoyable 2 hours with each other. As the first ISPN in-person event in Spring 2022, it aimed to provide a fun, safe and comfortable space for graduate students, especially international students, in PittEd community to meet and deepen friendships.

Games including human bingo, speed friending, and name remembering were played to enable participants to get acquainted and become friends with each other during the event. 4 winners from the SOE and GSPIA won well-prepared Pitt glassware and mugs as prizes after the games. Bagels, snacks, hot coffee, cold beverages, and relaxing music were enjoyed.

After all activities, the ISPN members shared future plans of events and other resources relevant to international students’ lives at Pitt. Participants said that it was a relaxing and joyful event and looked forward to the next gathering organized by ISPN.


Author: Tianzhi Terrence Zhang, Yuan Gao
Date: Feb 24, 2022